HARD: Goodbook 07-31-18

Why is following God so hard?

That was a question my son asked me the other night.  Kids are good at asking great questions.  In that moment I felt like God gave me a great answer.

It is so hard, because we often try to do it on our own.  We try to get our act together.  We try to change.  We try to muster up the strength to battle temptations or break a bad habit.  We try to do what's right.  The struggle lets us know that we cannot do this on our own.  The Good News is that we were never meant to.  God's design was that we rely on him to work in and through us.

In my morning devotion I read this encouraging verse from Philippians 2:13: "For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him."  How great is our God!  If we lean into God for help, God will give us the desire (the want) and the power (the ability) to do the good things he created us for.

So the next time you feel like following God is hard, it might be a signal that you are trying to do this on your own.  Pause and pray.  Lean into God for help.  God can give you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

Save this picture as a reminder and share it with others.  God bless!

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