New Songs: Goodbook 08-18-18

We were challenged in the SERMON last week to “sing a new song to the Lord.” Many took the challenge! Below is a compilation of new songs submitted by our church. The first is a new song my family wrote inspired by Romans 8:6. It is followed by several other new songs written by members of Good Shepherd. I hope these songs inspire you to create a fresh expression from your soul of praise and proclamation. Share your new songs with us in the comments section. 

Inspired by Romans 8:6

Sin leads to death; the Spirit, life and peace
I pray, “Holy Spirit, take control of me”

Control my mind and how I think
Control my mouth and how I speak
Control my eyes and what I view
Control my body and what I do

Control my ears and all I hear
Control my heart and all my fears
Control my time and how I live
Control my money and how I give

Control my influence with all I lead
Control my impact with those in need


I can’t sing a psalm like David the king
But I often feel the same thing
While in a cave or on the road
Let the song in my heart sing


The Lord is great
Creator of the universe
Every star, every planet
Every comet, even black holes
While our minds can’t grasp
Dark matter or dark energy
God does
God created all things
He understands infinity and timelessness
My Lord is great
His love for me
Is beyond my ability to comprehend


Every day I was asking for help, “Please, God”
Then I realized that He has already given so much
He has provided mentors and teachings and great Love
Now I know that I need to be thankful for His touch
Instead of asking by saying, “Please, God”
I want to be praying and trying to please God.

He is the Great Creator of all things
Through Him, all can be done
Because of Him, my heart sings
There is but one God, He is the only one.

Instead of asking by saying, “Please, God”
I want to be praying and trying to please God.


My time on earth is not yet done
I have been a sinner
I have been a giver
I have been needy
And I have been needed
My time on earth is not yet done
But if you need me God, I am ready


Thank you for all you do for us


My heart is heavy.
My body weak,
My eyes are dim.
My soul is meek.

Please give me strength
In this dark hour.
Please help me know
That you have power.

When I despair
And grieve my loss,
Help me to know
You chose the cross
To save my soul
And body too
To spend eternal life with you.


Lord help me love
My neighbor as myself
I need your wisdom and guidance
I know you answer prayer
Christ died for all of our sins
We will all sing together in heaven
For all those that accept this gift


Healing is needed for the body and the soul
Healing is needed for the person and the community
God’s grace is with us always
Healing everything through prayer
Be with me always and help those in need always


To be a servant
Show me the needs
Guide me in the ways
Give me the means
Celebrate our successes


In his plans
In his timing
For your faith journey


He’ll pull you out. He’ll pull you out.
From the depths of sin’s despair
He’ll pull you out.

I once walked in darkness – finding no escape.
Frustration, fear, temptation – drowning in self-hate.
Christ my God please hear me! – was my anguished shout.
I raised my hands unto the Lord – who pulled me out

Beneath the waved slipped Peter – at a moment’s doubt.
But only for a heartbeat – Jesus pulled him out.
Three moments of denial – when Peter filled with fear.
Grace and mercy saved – when the resurrected Lord appeared!

Brothers, Sisters struggling – in the world’s raging storm.
Grasping for a lifeline – with a spirit worn
Our Savior’s peace this flesh can hardly understand!
Seize the joy that surges from His mighty hand!

He’ll pull you out! He’ll pull you out!
Lift hands and voice to Christ the one – Who’ll pull you out!


O Lord, I now see this life
As a moment just begun
You’ve given your Spirit to lead me
Your Son to free me from sin
What love you have given
Lord that we might eternity win


Singing a prayer gives me new insight to see Scripture come alive


God I thank you for all you have given me
My health, my family, my friends
You are always there when I need you
May I be there for others when they need someone or something


Oh Lord, how difficult it is to keep my feet on the path youv’e planned for me.
But even in difficult times I know you are always there to guide my steps.
You have been with me and saved me from despair in my darkest hour and I know that through the sacrifice of your son, Jesus, you will always love me and extend your gift of grace!

I look around to see
All that you have given me
A life full of love
A life ful of hope
When you are by my side
I feel comfort in your arms
Strength and hope to get through it all
When I am down on my knees in fear
I look for your voice
I look for signs of hope to see me through

You have a power over me
To take away my fear and worry
To put a new song in my heart
And share your song with others

Bring my children to you Lord
With all they are and all they can do
Inspire their minds and open their heart
Baptize their children do they will find you
Wherever they are and whatever they do
So they will seek you


Peace I need
A mind clearing calm
To open inspiration’s door
To let your power and love flow
In the path of your choosing


My song is of gratefulness and thankfulness
for your sacrifice for me
your presence in my life
your loving hand and guiding ways
Make me always aware
of your power, glory, and majesty
in all things great and small.


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